Pet Health Matching Accounts: Unlocking the Benefits of Pet Health Care

Pet Health Matching Accounts: Unlocking the Benefits of Pet Health Care

Preserve The Wellbeing Of Your Pets And Prepare For The Unexpected With The PHMA

There are countless advantages not to mention the unforgettable memories that come along with the joys of pet ownership. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to afford nearly any life-extending treatment for your cherished pets that you might not have been able to afford before? This could include costs such as a $5,000 hip replacement procedure and prolonged cancer treatments that could add not just months but years of health and happiness that you and your pets could enjoy together.

The Pet Health Matching Account (PHMA) is a medical savings plan designed exclusively to pay for the veterinary expenses for all of the pets in your household. It is the solution for all pet lovers out there to help them better manage all of the expected and unexpected medical expenses that they will be tasked with paying for all current and future household pets continually
covered on one plan.

The Pet Health Matching Account Is The Only
First-Dollar Pet Health Coverage Plan On The Market!

The PHMA® creates additional pet health care saving pet owners that would have never been possible for them before. In addition, the PHMA® provides a security blanket and peace of mind that pet owners like you are desperately
seeking and will appreciate for any future, unforeseen pet medical expenses that you might incur. You will choose from our six different monthly contribution options that will be able to fit into any serious pet owner's monthly budget. Once
you have selected the plan of your choosing, the PHMA® pet medical benefit match that you receive each month above and beyond your monthly contribution will continue to grow until you are receiving access to an average of up to $2 or more in pet medical benefits for every $1 that you pay into your PHMA®
plan on a monthly basis as the program progresses. You can check your current PHMA® medical benefit anytime on your PHMA member portal or mobile app.

Each of the six PHMA® plans that are available for you are all designed to grow to a target pet medical benefit cap of your choosing over 35 months if you did not use your benefits. However, the PHMA® pet medical benefit match is so strong
that you can certainly use your PHMA® as much as you would like along the way before reaching your target cap by swiping your PHMA® Pet Medical Reimbursement Visa® Prepaid Card at your veterinarian's office. When you do use your card you will still be saving money on all of your out-of-pocket, pet
health expenses because of how quickly you can build back your pet medical benefits once you use them.


9 Reasons You And Your Pets Will Love The Pet Health Matching Account

Very simply, the Pet Health Matching Account (PHMA) is the ultimate source for savings on all of your pets' veterinary expenses because:

1. Superior Pet Medical Benefits: The PHMA awards pet owners access to up to $2 or more in medical benefits for their pets for every $1 they contribute as the program progresses
2. Flexible Monthly Payment Plans: You can switch to a higher contribution plan at any time to build even more pet medical benefits based on your pets' needs
3. Paid-Up Pet Benefits: Once your PHMA® pet medical benefits reaches its target benefit cap, your monthly contribution is drastically slashed and you will only have to pay a monthly maintenance fee to keep your plan in force
4. Guaranteed Plan Growth: The monthly benefits awarded into your PHMA® plan are guaranteed and increase each month (assuming no reimbursements)
5. Guaranteed Issue: The PHMA® requires no upfront underwriting and will also allow you to cover every pet in your household!
6. No Concern Over Pre-Existing Conditions: The PHMA® will cover all of your healthy or unhealthy pets starting on Day 1
7. Easy To Use!: Enjoy access to instant payments of all your veterinarian needs with your Pet Health Matching Account by simply swiping your PHMA® Pet Medical Reimbursement Visa Prepaid Card directly at your vet's office or complete and submit our simple claim reimbursement form with your itemized receipts
8. Track Your Benefits On A Daily Basis: Check your current PHMA® medical benefit and transaction history in real time through your PHMA® member portal and mobile app
9. PHMA ® Benefits Roll Over Year-To Year And For New Pets:
The pet medical benefits that you will be able to build, retain and roll over year-to-year and for any new pets you bring into your household will provide you with the invaluable security and certainty knowing all of your current and future pets and pet health needs will be covered


*The PHMA® is not pet insurance*

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